
Here are your weekly Zcash updates:
Mark your calendars –
- May 25 – Zeal Call with special guest Julia Angwin. Subscribe to ECC’s Youtube 1 channel for the latest updates and new content.
Community shoutouts: Shoutout to narodnik for your merged PR. Shout out to Finstreet, ZOMG grant recipient producing a weekly Zcash update in Hindi. And finally, shout out to Harry Halpin for presenting on the usability of privacy and cryptocurrency (featuring ZecWallet and Tor) at the Usable Security 2021 Workshop.
Dev Infra
- Testers complete and in production for: Debian 11, Debian 10, Debian 9, Ubuntu 20.04, Ubuntu 18.04, Ubuntu 20.04 cross for Windows, Arm, and Darwin, CentOS8, and Arch.
- Updated CI Builder deployments to simplify and cleanup, PR
- Progress on the Orchard circuit, major refactor of the Core / Chip / Layouter Abstractions
- Working with Mary Maller on security review documentation
- Test vectors coming along nicely for NU5: PRs #18, #21
- Property testing framework for Sapling and Orchard components included as part of an update for ZIP 225 support
- Progress on incremental merkle tree design, more efficient, less space intensive, makes updating witnesses significantly faster
- Added getAddressUTXO call to darksidewalletd
- SDK, ECC Wallet, and ECC Testnet Wallet Releases
- iOS Testnet Wallet created
- Balance details screen and t-address display promoted to main feature
- Wallet rescan fix deployed on both platforms to ECC Wallet
- Community Wallet collaboration is accelerating and productive.
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