Eco-friendly Bitcoin mining pool PEGA will launch in 2023



PEGA Pool is set to launch next year and will become the first eco-friendly Bitcoin mining pool in the world.
PEGA Mining is focused on reducing the environmental effects of Bitcoin mining.
Clients that join the “Early Access” waiting list would benefit from a permanent 50% reduction in pool fees.

PEGA Pool will become the first eco-friendly Bitcoin mining pool 

PEGA Pool is set to become the first eco-friendly Bitcoin mining pool and is expected to launch next year.

PEGA Pool, a platform dedicated to reducing the environmental effects of Bitcoin mining, is expected to launch in 2023. The project focuses on making Bitcoin mining eco-friendly.

PEGA Pool is owned and operated by PEGA Mining, a UK-based cryptocurrency mining firm. 

According to the development team, PEGA Pool will focus on reducing bitcoin mining’s carbon footprint to create a more sustainable and eco-friendly industry. On its official website, the company said it would plant trees to help reduce the Bitcoin mining carbon footprint.

PEGA Pool is currently in the pre-launch phase and will be open to the public in Q1 2023. Clients can join the early access waiting list until launch. The team added that the PEGA Pool is open to all bitcoin mining clients regardless of their renewable energy usage.

PEGA Pool added that for clients that mine with non-renewable energy, it would use a portion of their pool fees to plant trees to help offset their mining carbon footprint. Clients that use renewable energy to mine cryptocurrencies will enjoy certain incentives. 

For instance, clients that mine with renewable energy will enjoy a 50% reduction in pool fees. Furthermore, pool fees are 2% for non-renewable energy clients and 1% for renewable energy clients.

Clients that join the early access waiting list will enjoy certain benefits

The use of non-renewable energy to mine Bitcoin is a subject that gained wide coverage over the past few years. Companies like Tesla had to suspend accepting Bitcoin as a payment method due to concerns over its carbon footprint during mining. However, the company said it intends to start accepting Bitcoin as a payment option for its vehicles again in the future. PEGA’s effort toward ensuring eco-friendly Bitcoin mining could be what is needed to convince Tesla to start accepting BTC payments again. 

With PEGA Pool currently in its pre-launch phase, the team said clients that join the “Early Access” waiting list would benefit from a permanent 50% reduction in pool fees.

PEGA Pool said it had planted 41,715 trees so far, for an estimated annual CO2 offset of 1111T. According to their official website, the team said PEGA Pool was built by miners and is run by miners. With years of experience in the crypto mining sector, the team understands what it is that miners need in order to be successful and profitable.


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